FlowIO Documentation

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FlowIO is a Python library for reading / writing Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) files, with zero external dependencies and is compatible with Python 3.7+.

FlowIO retrieves event data exactly as it is encoded in the FCS file: as a 1-dimensional list without separating the events into channels or performing any preprocessing (e.g. applying gain). Metadata stored in the FCS file is available as a dictionary via the ‘text’ attribute. Basic attributes are also available for commonly accessed properties. For example, the channel count can be used to easily convert the event data to a multi-column NumPy array:

import flowio
import numpy

fcs_data = flowio.FlowData('example.fcs')
npy_data = numpy.reshape(fcs_data.events, (-1, fcs_data.channel_count))

For higher level interaction with flow cytometry data, including GatingML and FlowJo 10 support, see the related FlowKit project.


The recommended way to install FlowIO is via the pip command:

pip install flowio

Or, if you prefer, you can install from the GitHub source:

git clone https://github.com/whitews/flowio
cd flowio
pip install .


Changelogs for versions are available here